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Download and setup of a DHD Core Ember+ emulation

1. Download the ""

Download the "" here:

2. Unzip the ""

The unzipped folder contains two subfolders:

  • Provider - TinyEmberPlus-2.10.10: This folder contains the application TinyEmberPlus.exe which provides the Ember+ data like a DHD device does.

  • Consumer - EmberPlusView-1.6.2: This folder contains the application EmberPlusView.exe to read and (where allowed) modify the provided Ember+ data from the provider.


Both programs are part of the Ember+ SDK. The SDK as well as code license information, documentation, wiki and sources of the Ember+ protocol is available at the Ember+ project page.

3. Start the provider application "TinyEmberPlus.exe"

As a first step, the EmberPlusView.exe could be used as a consumer to access the provided data and to check if everything is set up correctly. At the end of your development, your program will also act as a consumer.

  • Application should be started with a prepared DHD Device Ember+ tree configuration.

TinyEmberPlus.exe after startup with DHD Device Ember+ tree loaded

  • If, for any reason, the configuration shouldn’t be loaded, please open the file DHD_Example1.EmBER or DHD_Example2.EmBER using the File menu. These files are located in the same folder: Provider - TinyEmberPlus-2.10.6.

  • Two examples from a DHD device with different configurations are provided: DHD_Example1.EmBER and DHD_Example2.EmBER.

  • Directly after startup of the Tiny Ember+ program, the provided data can be accessed via TCP port 9000 with any Ember+ consumer program.

4. Start the consumer application "EmberPlusView.exe"

  • This application starts without any configured Communication Ports. Please add a port with the following data:
    • Host Name or IP Address: localhost
    • Port: 9000

EmberPlusView.exe connection dialogue

  • After setting up the new Communication Port, the connection to the provider will be automatically opened and the provided data from the Tiny Ember+ program should become available when opening the subnodes of the main entry.

EmberPlusView.exe connected to the TinyEmber+ emulator

  • Now, readable data can be read, and accessible data can be read and modified. Modified values will appear directly in the provider program Tiny Ember+.